Social organization of the Gwembe Tonga
Book 1967 Colson, Elizabeth & University of Zambia. Institute for Social Research

TongaAfrica > Southern Africa
In this work, the author attempts to describe the institutions of the Gwembe (Valley) Tonga before the construction of the Kariba Dam forced them to evacuate their homes and resettle in other areas. Throughout most of the book, Colson discusses their...

The ecology of the Gwembe Tonga
Book 1962 Scudder, Thayer & University of Zambia. Institute for Social Research

TongaAfrica > Southern Africa
This is the companion volume to Colson (1967), who also studied the social organization and human ecology of the Gwembe Tonga as a baseline study prior to the Tonga resettlement in connection with the Kariba Dam. Scudder focuses on ecology, investiga...

The social consequences of resettlement
Book 1971 Colson, Elizabeth & University of Zambia. Institute for Social Research

TongaAfrica > Southern Africa
This source is a follow-up study to Colson (1967). It is a description, analysis and interpretation of the changes in social organization of the Gwembe Tonga from approximately 1957 to 1965. They are briefly described as they were until 1957, when th...

Marriage & the family among Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia
Book 1958 Colson, Elizabeth & University of Zambia. Institute for Social Research

TongaAfrica > Southern Africa
This is a major work on Plateau Tonga history, social structure, household economy, family and marriage. The author relies on court cases to convey the workings of family, kinship, and sexual relationships. Bridewealth status is a major factor in dec...

Life among the cattle-owning plateau Tonga
Book 1949 Colson, Elizabeth & University of Zambia. Institute for Social Research

TongaAfrica > Southern Africa
This overview of Plateau Tonga culture includes discussion of subsistence activities, settlement patterns, dwellings and other structures, crafts, utensils, food, clothing, and ritual objects. There is additional coverage of childhood activities and ...

Reciprocity, redistribution and the male life cycle
article 1967 Lancaster, Chet S. & University of Zambia. Institute for Social Research

TongaAfrica > Southern Africa
This paper is based on the 1962-1963 field notes of Elizabeth Colson. It examines male status and social networks among Gwembe Tonga communities in the post-Kariba Dam era. Resettlement disrupted the traditional institutional structure based on matri...